Women standing together in solidarity
Three raised fists
In 2019-20, we committed
USD 2,754,702
under two programmes:

USD 150,054

Small grants and fellowships to individual activists, women human rights lawyers, and groups working at sub-national, national, and regional levels.

USD 150,054

Small grants and fellowships to individual activists, women human rights lawyers, and groups working at sub-national, national, and regional levels.

USD 2,461,799

Large programme grants to support activism devised, led, and implemented by organisations in the Global South. Implemented by four women’s funds with WFA handling the Asia region.
82 grants
in 18 countries
across South, East, and Southeast Asia
WFA presence in Asia
to support
93 initiatives
in five thematic areas:
  • Woman with a megaphone

    USD 269,690

    6 grants
    Supporting and strengthening grassroots feminist leadership and movements
  • Labour workers

    USD 798,716

    9 grants
    Movement &
    Safe migration, economic justice, and labour rights
  • Woman with the pride flag

    USD 364,595

    7 grants
    Autonomy, Decisions
    & Sexual Rights
    Bodily autonomy and decision-making
  • Gavel and book

    USD 711,794

    6 grants
    Access to Justice
    Ensuring legal support to women across Asia
  • Landscape with nature and industry

    USD 467,058

    25 grants
    The intersection of human rights and access to natural resources

Linking & Learning

One of WFA’s goals is to help our activists link with and learn from their peers, partners, and experts.

People at the Disability Rights Convening


6-8 FEB 2020, COLOMBO

In this first-of-its-kind event for WFA, we brought together 28 women and trans* disability rights activists from eight countries for networking, sharing experiences, learning, and solidarity building.

“Nothing about us
without us”

Influencing Philanthropy

To contribute to the sustainability and resilience of the feminist movements, WFA participates in dialogues, creating spaces, and pushing for opportunities that expand the resource base in the region.

Three Women
Transformative Funding

Revolutionising Philanthropy

25-28 SEP 2019, BANGKOK

Revolutionising Philanthropy was the first in a series of feminist funding dialogues organised by Prospera Network Asia and the Pacific members: Fiji Women’s Fund, Her Fund, Korea Foundation for Women, Mongolian Women’s Fund (MONES), South Asia Women’s Foundation India (SAWF-IN), Tewa, Urgent Action Fund Asia & Pacific, and Women’s Fund Asia. Over three days, 150 participants from 16 countries shared the contexts in which they were working and articulated a vision for the future of transformative feminist funding.


Revolutionising Philanthropy is a feminist funding dialogue organised by the Asia and the Pacific chapter of Prospera - The International Network of Women's Funds.
Approximately 130 feminist activists, funders, and allies from 34 countries gathered in Bangkok in September 2019 for the first-ever event of its kind.
The gathering was a safe space for open dialogue and dynamic exchanges.
[Sound bite] “We are here to have these conversations to challenge one another because we’re all a part of the same ecosystem.”
What was the result?
A deeper understanding of what transformative feminist funding for movement building could look like.
[Sound bite] “...the strategy is organising and mobilising. Because the people’s power is the key to challenge the global balance of power.”
What we now resolve to work towards:
Address the power dynamics that put pressure on the feminist movement.
[Sound bite] “When it comes to who holds the power, it’s not the organisation like us.”
Broaden the scope of resources beyond money.
[Sound bite] “…supporting the movement is doing a lot of advocacy work…”
Use a framework of intersectionality to guide feminist work
[Sound bite] “We as a Urgent Action Fund Asia and the Pacific and the Fiji Women’s Fund, who went out to collect the data, it took time. Can you imagine what it’s like for grassroots women’s organisations to get the data, understand it, to then use it to push for a funding priority. It’s quite difficult.”
Review roles that funders need to play, shifting focus from project results to movement building.
[Sound bite] “So what we are saying is the power of what we should fund, who we should fund—shouldn’t be decided by us. It should be decided by the community that’s in need.”
A big thank you to all the participants who came together and the donors who made this event possible.
[Close with chanting at the end] “Tell me what a feminist looks like!” “This is what a feminist looks like!” “This is what a feminist looks like!” “People!” “Power!” “People!” “Power!” “Alright, thank you everyone!”
[Sounds of cheering as group shot dissolves into the Revolutionising Philanthropy and logos of Prospera Network, Fiji Women’s Fund, HER Fund, Korea Foundation for Women, Mongolian Women’s Fund, South Asia Women’s Foundation India, Tewa, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights Asia & Pacific, and Women’s Fund Asia.]

Institution Building

In 2019, we focused energy and effort into staff expansion and restructuring, updating our policies to reflect our new regional focus, and developing new policies to address gaps that emerged during our expansion. We also focused on becoming more accessible and agile through upgrading our systems and adopting better technology tools.

Building Blocks

WFA's work is rooted in the powerful solidarity of women and women's movements across nations. The design of this year's Annual Report, with its bold colours and striking typography, has been created to reflect this collective strength.

Download the 2019-2020 Annual Report

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